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Kompetensi Guru Aqidah Akhlak Dalam Proses Interaksi Edukatif

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Penelitian menitik beratkan tentang penerapan kompetensi guru aqidah akhlak dalam proses interaktif edukatif yang dilatar belakangi pada inti pelajaran agama yang membentuk akhlak mulia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) Penerapan kompetensi guru tentang interaksi edukatif. (2) Problema-problema yang dihadapi dalam proses pembelajaran aqidah akhlak. (3) Upaya yang ditempuh oleh guru aqidah akhlak. Penelitian dilakukan di dengan menggunakan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, angket, dan dokumentasi.

Teknik analisa data yang digunakan dengan tiga macam langkah, yaitu mengumpulakan data mentah, menyusun sebuah catatan dan mengelompokkan serta mengolah dalam bentuk naratif. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa (1) Penerapan kompetensi guru tentang interaksi edukatif menunjukkan kedisiplinan penguasaan materi yang memadai dalam pembelajaran aqidah akhlak. (2) Masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru adalah faktor murid dan guru. Tentang murid adalah keberagaman asal sekolah yang punya karakter berbeda dan yang memerlukan penanganan yang ekstra hati-hati dan harus tepat, sedangkan guru adalah opini yang cenderung menganggap murid tidak berprestasi. (3) Upaya yang dilakukan adalah melakukan pendekatan individual maupun klasikal serta membentuk group studi Islam untuk manambah wawasan materi kagamaan.

The study is find out about the teacher?s competence on educative interaction to the Aqidah Akhlak learning proses which has it?s back ground on the main subject of religion concerned is aimed to perform glorious akhlak. The study is purposed to know (1) The implementation of teacher?s competence on educative interaction. (2) The problem accured on Aqidah Akhlak learning instruction. (3) The teacher?s effort to solve the problem. The study takes place in MAM Tempurrejo on academic year 2005-2006 of using case study. The study can be considered as a particular study. Which that the sample used is limited not at all. The purposive sampling used is eritical case sampling, while the eritical case used is educative interaction.

The class studied in the study is the second class student who has the educative interaction case, consist of 40 students. The data collection method use are using observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation. The data analysis is conducted in three steps, they are data collection, making rotations and classify the problems into narrative form. The study concludes that (1) The implementation of teacher?s competence shows that the dicipline, subject mastery and other are sufficient in Aqidah Akhlak learning proses. (2) Problems faced by teachers, students and teacher?s factor. The students from various school before which has different character and used the exact quidance but the teacher is about the opinion to the students are incapable. (3) The efforts estabilised by teachers are to make approaches individually or classically and perform groups on Islamic study to enhance their vision on religion subject.


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