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Rekayasa Pendingin Transformator Catu Daya Peralatan Elektronik Dengan Media Minyak Goreng Sawit

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

In condition transformator no load and on load is same to harm, loss biggest reason magnetic losses result fluks to change in magnetic field, cooper losses result current to flow in coils. Electric energy so much the usege that so much current big to flow, result so much the hot energy to loose result losses. Coils surface in layers with isolator so that electric current not flow to perforate to surface. 

Warming in surface coils result losses to result in glazed isolator in coils surface, to result short circuit and not to transformation voltage in primer or seconder transformator. In step it research manner good hot convected from coils surface to around with cooking oil media convected in severel items. Result research to visible in sawit cooking oil to convected transformator hot from 85 ºC down to 33 ºC in long same operation, mixed layer to layered wire coils surface transformator, successful non corotion not to visible because for to know necessary long time.



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