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The Use Of React Strategy In Teaching Speaking

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

This study entitled “The Use of REACT Strategy in Teaching Speaking” is aimed at investigating whether or not the use of REACT strategy significantly improve students’ speaking ability and the students’ responses toward REACT strategy in teaching speaking. REACT strategy is one of strategies in Contextual Teaching and Learning approach that improves student motivation and achievement in classroom activities (Crawford, 2001).

The study employed a quasi-experimental design with 25 students of each group as samples at one senior high school in east Bandung. The treatment was given in six sessions and speaking test was used as the research instrument on pre-test and post-test. The data gathered through pre-test and post-test were computed using t-test while data from the questionnaire and interview were analyzed based on the frequency of students’ answers and then were calculated and interpreted into percentages. The statistical computation showed that REACT strategy was effective in improving students’ speaking ability (tobt 3.294 > tcrit 2.021). Besides, the result of questionnaire showed that almost all students (87%) agreed that the use of REACT strategy helped students to improve their speaking ability. In line with this, the result of interview showed that REACT strategy helped students’ to improve their speaking ability and they felt motivated and understood the lesson contexts easily. Based on these findings, it is recommended that REACT strategy should become one of the alternative strategies in teaching speaking.



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